Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Well what happened there, then?

Six months without an update. Shoddy. Just no excuse for it. But I've come up with a few anyway.

I was getting crapped on from a great height with regard to the seriously tedious amount of paperwork needed to 'evidence' the fact I could police by myself. I knew I could police, my colleagues knew that I could police, my skippers knew I could police, yet I had to write small essays on just about every incident I attended to prove this. It took all my strength to sit down on rest days and wade through the quagmire of National Occupation Standards - a big ring binder full of facinating competencies I had to achieve. I'm now confirmed in rank, so the whole lot got stuck in my loft.

I had a lot going in in my home life, all good things, but it meant I just lost interest in updating the blog.

Finally, with fewer and fewer people on my section, more work, more bureaucracy and less enthusiasm, I started to really value my time off duty (or at least the bits where I wasn't fretting about National Occupational Standards).

However, things I have changed. It's official, I've become cynical and jaded about the job. It only took two years, though I was never naively optimistic at the start.

What started the rot? Where, when and how did it really take take hold? I'll endevour to tell all in my new blog...

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