Saturday, February 25, 2006

More Info on this site

I spent a great deal of time researching what life as a police officer involved prior to my decision to apply. From speaking to numerous serving officers on a regualr basis, I discovered that it is both very rewarding and equally frustrating.

I hope to offer a detailed insight of what is involved in police work, what the journalists and documentary makers often don’t have access to, don’t have time to broadcast or space to print. I aim to give a detailed and continuously updated account of what police officers do each day. By starting this website before I begin my training. I also intend to give an overview of the recruitment process and the new training system. I’m on the first intake for my force of non-residential training – rather than spending months on a residential training course at a police training college. Instead I will spend forty-two weeks at my local university, out of uniform, learning the basics, interspersed with two-week periods on the streets accompanied by a tutor constable. There will also be a number of community placements lasting two weeks each, focusing on diversity.

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