Monday, February 12, 2007

Independence Day

I've been very busy. Over the last couple of months I've been frantically jumping through hoops to fill the bureaucrat's wet-dream that is my Development Record. That's my excuse for my piss-poor efforts at maintaining these pages, and I'm sticking to it. In it I've had to document a multitude of 'competencies', mainly to prove I'd be able to fill out all the various forms and send the right emails when I'm out there on my own. I'm pleased to say that my superior officers signed me off as fit for independent patrol last week, and immediately sent me out on foot to patrol the mean streets of Sandford.

Many of my colleagues who also got their 'wings' last week, so to speak, reported feeling distinctly odd being out on foot without a friendly tutor holding their hand. I must admit that it felt liberating and perhaps rather exciting, but I didn't get the buzz of a powertrip like some as they conducted their first solo stop check, nor did I get the sphincter-tightening dread as a member of public approached with some obscure problem.

I was pulled into the guv'ners office for a few sage words of advice after my 3 hour foot patrol round Sandford town centre. 'Keep out of your section skippers way as much as possible, otherwise you'll get jobs thrown at you, always have the brews ready before briefing, at least until the next newbie pitches up in a few months and you've got two eyes, two ears and one mouth - use them in that order.' And with that I was packed off to my new section, where I'm told the learning starts...


Annette said...

As a civilian I must admit I do like to see policemen/women walking around the town. We do realise that you need to be in cars, of course, but as I said it is nice to see you walking around. You do feel a lot safer.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on gaining Independent Patrol status


Susplod :))

Anonymous said...

This is a great blog, lets have some more entries

TotallyUn-Pc said...

I concur with all the above. Well done and good luck.

And great blog. just found it... enjoyed it... will be back to read the rest. TUPC

Anonymous said...

Take a look and read at this. Chicago Police Officer responds to a disturbacne by himself and shoots and kills and unarmed citizen with absolutely no cause. The Chicago Police Department then attempts to conceal the murder. The video and the accompanying article explain it all in depth. What are your comments in the UK?

Anonymous said...

Just read your blog for first time. Just noticed, started section same day as yourself. Must say pretty jaded with the paperwork myself. Take it easy.