Thursday, May 03, 2007

Tea bitch

The first thing I noticed when I pitched up on my first day was that some of my section didn't pay any attention to me at all, whilst others came up and started chatting, which made me feel much more at home. It's quite daunting knowing that you're being chucked in at the deep end and everyone will expect you to know what you are doing. Thankfully I found out fairly quickly that some of my new colleagues are more open and approachable than others, but that they are all willing to help me out when I get stuck.

I'd been fully briefed that the newbie on section was the 'tea bitch'. I don't drink the stuff, it's horrible - however, in the spirit of tradition and deference (I was going to need all the goodwill and favours I could get) I got on with it with a smile. This generally entails pitching up 20 minutes earlier than everyone else, searching the nick for dirty cups to wash (as there are NEVER any clean ones about) then preparing 12 teas/coffees as per individuals preferences. I also had to manage the tea fund, buy new supplies and ensure the cupboard remained locked (it's shocking how much stuff can go missing between shifts if you don't secure it - coppers can be thieving bastards when they want to be!). It's a pain, cuts into my own time, but I respect the tradition. I have heard that others on my intake refuse to do it as 'it's a form of bullying' - I think those individuals need to get a flipping grip and learn the value of being a team member.


TotallyUn-Pc said...

Soon another will come along and you will be spared the chores. I cringe when I hear people say its bullying, they really need to get a grip, I agree with you... the tea culture is a form of acceptance and bonding... whether you or they like it or not, it will never stop and if it does it'll be the death of this job. Bullying, they don't know the half of it... refuse to make the tea's and they will find out just how ill fitting their new job is!

for the sake of a copule of minutes, it sets you up for your whole career. Stick with it! Good luck!

Sergeant Simon said...

Ha come to my team. I'm the tea club bee-atch at the moment! Seriously, I am. The bunch of moaning gits that are my team were griping that no-one is running the tea club at the moment, so in order to set an example, I'm doing it. Does mean I get to choose the biscuits I like, and am guaranteed to get one, which is handy.....

thinblueline said...

hit them with a baton, when you join the suits and become a tea bitch all over again , its hiding the bottle of whiskey from the DCI that becomes the real test.